Long term T-bill yields up

Treasuries yields rose on long term bills during today's auction while yields on short term bills remain flat, the Public Debt Department of the Central Bank said.

Accordingly, the 6-month T-bill yield rose 5 basis points to 12.02 percent while 12-month bill yields rose 9 basis points to 12.65 percent. The 3-month bill yields remain flat at 10.68 percent.

The government sold Rs.1 billion worth of 3-month bills with bids receiving to the value Rs.4.6 billion. Rs.6.56 billion worth of 6-month bills were sold amidst bids receiving for Rs.11.4 billion. The government also sold Rs.3 billion worth of 12-month T-bills with bids amounting to the value of Rs.9.9 billion.

The Public Debt Department said that the auction was oversubscribed with bids amounting to Rs.26 billion being received. It was decided to accept Rs.10.6 billion from the auction.

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