Bye bye Belly …!

There are many people with protruding bellies. Some suffer from it, some try to get rid of it in shame, while others have resigned themselves to it. For those who want a reduced and nicely maintained belly, just follow these instructions.   


Two types   
There are two types of fats in the belly, visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is found under the skin and in the muscles of the abdomen. It is linked to heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver (a metabolic syndrome) that are called non-communicable diseases. Subcutaneous fat is located above abdominal muscle and can be pinched easily.   


WoW factor 
Asians are prone to have more belly fat, along with fat in the thighs and buttocks due to genetics. The belly should be kept in check within the limit. The average measurements should be 90 cm - for women and 80 cm - for men.   Measuring the belly and keeping track of it is far more important than calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI).   

It’s really important to reduce belly fat. The best method to do this is the combined treatment of two thirds dieting and one third exercises.  The doctor emphasized on the importance of reducing calorie intake, as it is crucial to maintaining a healthier belly. Exercises alone will not help you lose weight. Anyone with a target to be thin or reduce belly fat should limit their calorie intake along with exercises.   


Exercise Guide   
The healthy limit of the exercise time span for cardiovascular patients is recommended as half an hour.   

  •  Half an hour of exercise can burn 600 calories.   
  •  The minimum time span for exercising should be half an hour.   
  •  The more exercises you do, the higher your chances to stay slender and healthy.   


Did you know?   
Its difficult to lose weight through exercise alone and a proper diet should be followed. Professional body builders have very low body fat and the average person will have about 30 - 40% fat. The more fat you consume, the higher your chances of having a fatty belly.


Sounds funny   

Many people go walking, running and jogging after rigid exercises but have fruit juices and milk shakes or something sweet to treat themselves afterwards. This renders their efforts in vain, adding more calories than the amount burned by exercises. If someone runs for an hour, 600 calories can be burned and the above mentioned milkshakes have 1000 or more calories in them.   

Fruits are very high in calories. A banana has 300 calories and people who expect to cut down their calorie intake should stay away from bananas.   


Not magic   
People think drinking green tea is the ultimate magical cure to losing weight. However, they are so fond of green tea due to the added sugar. If plain tea is taken without sugar, anyone can cut down a kilo in a month. 

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