Do women make better Internet entrepreneurs?

The buzz-word is here to stay – Internet-based business. With its vast reach across geographical boundaries and time zones, the power of the web is being utilized by many to generate sustainable business ideas, unseen before. The seamless frontier of the web and the sheer potential its unique technology offers is matchless, when it comes to a business. 

Tech-savvy women 
When surfing the web, you often come across women entrepreneurs, who have ventured into areas that feel somehow very comfortable for women to operate in, yet have generated successful sales. 
From reviews of beauty products to home décor and fashion ideas, women-run Internet businesses have enlarged the scope out there for women to turn their innovative ideas into a thriving business. 
Some have thrived on the individual touch that large companies often cannot provide. They provide insights and inputs on specific products or services that their customers can identify with. It forms a powerful tool for the woman who has found tremendous potential as an Internet entrepreneur.   
There are many advantages the web holds for the women who wish to run a business from the comfort of their computer – possibly at home or in an office. 
It also involves minimum involvement with outside parties, yet maximizes returns as it puts you in touch with hundreds of customers out there. They could be anywhere and everywhere yet could form the backbone of your business. 
The web is the ideal place to get into business for today’s techno savvy woman.  
There are so many options to choose from, so many ideas that can be turned into a novel business. Gone are the days when you needed to marshal the forces necessary to get a business going.
Today, it is all out there, from software that helps you develop sound financial principles to generating business plans and marketing inputs. You need just one thing to hold it all together - a unique idea that can be turned into a sound business, with the right inputs.
Platform for sharing  
Women also have the edge in knowing what other women want. When it comes to children, every mother likes to share her experiences. 
Every mother wants to know new information, read about other mothers and share similar experiences – the inclusion is a key element that will serve as the inducement for the customers to keep coming back.
The shared experiences, the same kind of problems faced by many, the same issues to deal with and the same scenarios are powerful factors that will generate the audience and keep it going. 
When it comes to women, they are able to make the kind of connections that form the ideal bed-rock for Internet-based businesses. 
Internet is the place to test the waters, sound off concepts and see just how far your idea will go. With social media to support and strengthen your product or service promise, from Facebook to Twitter and Pininterest, the web is the place to be.  
The web is simply unbeatable in the interactive platform it offers both businesses and consumers alike.  You can make your opinion known, share your experiences with the product or service or simply tell why you do not like it. 
The incredible experience of platforms such as Facebook across time zones and geographical boundaries enhance the Internet business model.
All-in-one benefit  
In Sri Lanka too, one sees several female entrepreneurs who have successfully started off Facebook-based businesses – often, these businesses market clothing or accessories. 
But, there is potential for other areas as well. For most women, hobbies or interests they have has the potential to be turned into a thriving web-based business.
With more and more people surfing the web in numbers unimagined before, the web is a powerful place to get things going, not only for a business but also for social organisations. 
It is increasingly a place where most people spend a considerable amount of time in. It is increasingly where we make many decisions – to shop, to travel and of course to get ideas. Most of us book hotels online when travelling overseas and check out other factors related to travel online.
The power of the web lies also in the fact that it combines all of this and more under one roof, at one place – your computer which makes a powerful proposition for women in particular who find it very relevant.
It is relevant because you have the option of running it from home. That is an option no woman can resist, especially those with a family to care for.
(Nayomini, a senior journalist, writer and a PR professional can be contacted at 

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