Political ‘achcharu’ anyone?

Finally we have an opposition within the government. Did they cunningly vote for the budget, guessing it was the best way to defeat the government? Clever!So can the UNP save RW or does MR save the SLFP? Who is the UPFA now hiding behind a betel leaf and are the swan and the lotus in the same pond?Are we looking at the emergence of a third front with another arranged marriage between the likes of the JHU, TNA and JVP, who may well form an opposition at the next general election?

So, what happens to the current opposition and the former opposition? Obviously one will be in power and the other in the wilderness. Any guesses anyone?
We hear references to a bankrupt country. Would t hat be a bankrupt treasury or intellectually bankrupt politicians?

All the current treasury wallahs were screaming blue murder about subservience to the IMF, WB, etc., when not blaming all the country’s woes on the international community’s witch hunt of Sri Lanka on grounds of war crimes, etc.

Now the lending agencies have become bosom buddies and the international community, inter alia the USA, has buried the hatchet overnight. Such magic!
We don’t need any external forces for enemies. We are our own worst enemies.

The tug of war seems to be a stalemate. When the president of the realm states he is amazed that the righteous warriors have not been able to apprehend any brigands yet; is it that all are in the same glasshouse and no one wants to cast the first stone?

Or do the foxes and the hounds know that once the dust settles all can go back to business as usual having tired the public with their valiant but unsuccessful hunt for all the wrongdoers? How does one set thieves to catch thieves?

When do we ever learn that we get the government we deserve? We never seem to be able to choose the government we want. We get the opposition simply by voting the incumbents out thru sheer disgust only because we hope the incoming one maybe less disgusting. So the vicious circle goes on. It is this circle that keeps us a stunted Third World country in the beggars orbit.God save us from ourselves and our selfserving politicians.
T.E., Kotte

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