AIA delivers strong results for first 6 months     Follow

The board of directors of AIA Group Limited announced that AIA delivered another strong set of results for the six months ended May 31, 2015. 
The main highlights of the results were:

Excellent growth in value of new business (VONB)

  • VONB of US $ 959 million, up 21 percent; up 25 percent on constant exchange rates (CER).
  • Annualised new premiums (ANP) of US $ 1,878 million, up 11 percent; up 15 percent on CER
  • VONB margin of 50.2 percent, up 4.0 pps.

Strong increase in IFRS operating profit 
  • IFRS operating profit after tax (OPAT) of US $ 1,630 million, up 12 percent; up 15 percent on CER. 
  • Net profit up 41 percent to US $ 2,180 million; up 45 percent on CER.
Sustainable value creation and robust capital position
  • Free surplus of US $ 8.3 billion, up 7 percent over the first half. 
  • Free surplus generation of US $ 2.1 billion.
  • 30 percent increase in net remittances to US $ 1.0 billion. 
  • EV equity of US $ 40.5 billion, up 4 percent over the first half. 
  • EV of US $ 38.6 billion, up 4 percent over the first half. 
  • Solvency ratio for AIA Co. increased by 26 pps to 453 percent on the HKICO basis.

Increased interim dividend 
  • 17 percent increase in interim dividend to 18.72 Hong Kong cents per share.
AIA Group Chief Executive and President Mark Tucker said, “AIA has delivered another strong performance in the first half of 2015. VONB growth is 25 percent on a constant exchange rate basis, which more clearly reflects the underlying performance of the business during the recent period of foreign exchange volatility.

Our disciplined approach to the management of our in-force business has enabled us to achieve a strong increase in IFRS operating profit and maintain our resilient solvency position. Our financial results continue to demonstrate the value of the consistent execution of our well established growth strategy and our exclusive focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

The region continues to present enormous growth opportunities for AIA. Ongoing urbanisation and rising disposable incomes, coupled with low provision of social welfare benefits, will continue to fuel the substantial and growing need for healthcare, protection and long-term savings products. AIA is exceptionally well-positioned to make the most of these opportunities. 

The board has declared a 17 percent increase in the interim dividend, a clear reflection of the health of AIA’s business, our strong financial results and our confidence in the future prospects for the group. The power of AIA’s franchise, the breadth of our product range, our trusted brand and unrivalled financial strength will enable us to continue to generate sustainable value for our customers and shareholders.”

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