UAG top achievers tour India and China     Follow

The topmost performers of the Union Assurance General (UAG) sales force recently participated in two successful tours to North India and China.

Spanning over several days, the tours were a part of a structured and comprehensive rewards and recognition scheme intended to motivate the sales staff to stretch themselves to provide the highest level of service to customers and achieve the company’s objectives. The sales staff members were accompanied by support staff members who had excelled in their relevant service areas. 

General Manger Marketing and Distribution Nihal Handunge stated, “As an organisation, we continue to repeatedly incentivise our sales force that undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in the sustenance of our business operations. It is their grassroots efforts that ensure our brand is carried to the masses.”
With 43 sales staff members qualifying for the India tour and an additional 11 support staff joining them, the visit comprised of a tour through India’s Golden Triangle – Agra, Jaipur and New Delhi inclusive of a memorable visit to the Taj Mahal, India’s most prized tourist attraction. 
Similarly nine individuals participated in the tour to China where they visited Beijing and Tianjin, not missing out on China’s highlight - the Great Wall of China.

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