21st A, is to cheat the country

  • According to the draft of the 21st A, none of the clauses envisages clipping of  powers of the executive President therefore it will not affect the incumbent, Gotabaya Rajapaksa
  • The 21st A has given full immunity to President Rajapaksa from any litigation

By Sandun A Jayasekera

The 21st Amendment to the Constitution proposed by the government was a deceptive document that further enhances power of the president and therefore, the amendments the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) expects to introduce at the committee stage in Parliament were not accepted, the SLFP would launch a campaign against it in and out of Parliament, party leader and former President Maithripala Sirisena said.   

According to the draft of the 21st A, none of the clauses envisages clipping of  powers of the executive President therefore it will not affect the incumbent, Gotabaya Rajapaksa. In addition, under the 19th Amendment, three members to the Constitutional Council (CC) were to be nominated by the civil society from among eminent and professional individuals who command respect in the society and devoid of politics. But the 21st A proposes to appoint the three members to the CC by the speaker which means a large majority of members of the CC would represent the SLPP and will not be an independent council but an SLPP council of political stooges who are good for nothing, Sirisena charged.  

Sirisena said the 19th A, was enacted during his tenure as the President to give immunity from legal action against the President. But 21st A has given full immunity to President Rajapaksa from any litigation against him.  
“This is the constitutional amendment the government promised to introduce with all the democratic and people friendly clauses of the 19th A. The 21st A, to be tabled in Parliament is a fraudulent and document which gives more power to Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The 21st A is not 19A plus but a 19A minus which hoodwinks the people of the country,” Sirisena charged.  

Addressing the media at the party office, Sirisena said President Rajapksa and the SLPP came to power with the promise of restoration of national security using the Easter Sunday bomb blast as their main slogan.  
“What has happened today? Protesters even attacked President Rajapaksa’s private residence at Mirihana, The Temple Trees, the official residence of the Prime Minister was attacked. President’s House is under threat of overrun. Presidential secretariat has been overtaken by aragalists. None of SLPP politicians, including President, ministers and top officials can walk or travel openly in the country. 


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