30% increase in bus fares Minimum fare to be Rs.40 from July 1

By Chaturanga Samarawickrama   

Following a meeting at the Transport Ministry, it has been decided to increase the bus fares by 30% while raising the minimum fare to Rs.40 from July 1.  

The decision was taken following a discussion held at the Ministry yesterday between Transport Minister Bandula Gunawardana, the National Transport Commission (NTC), Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) and private bus owners.  

Meanwhile, during the discussion a heated argument arose with the Transport Minister at the meeting held to increase the bus fares, and the Minister left the meeting halfway.  

The Inter-Provincial Private Bus Owners’ Association (IPPBOA), All Island Private Bus Owners’ Association (AIPBOA) and the Lanka Private Bus Owners’ Association (LPBOA) have suggested that priority should be given to private buses to obtain diesel.  

They also said that there were grave injustices to the private buses when supplying fuel through the Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) depots.  

But when the SLPP bus union said the depot had to pay in advance to get fuel for private buses, all the bus unions spoke out against him.  

The SLPP bus union had repeatedly accused the Minister and his officials. When tension flared up, the minister left the meeting. 



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