75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Fight for your rights; our people are always with you: Palestine Ambassador to SL

By Kurulu Koojana Kariyakarawana   

Fight your own battle for your rights as we fight for our  lives and always keep in mind that Palestinian people are with the  people of Sri Lanka in their struggle, were the sentiments of Palestine  Ambassador to Sri Lanka Zuhair Zaid. 

 Addressing a ceremony to mark the 75th Anniversary of the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights held in Colombo yesterday Dr. M.  H. Zuhair Zaid said a population of 2.3 million people who are living in  West Bank and Gaza, an area even smaller than Colombo, is being subject to genocide  every day.   

Not only are Israelis refusing to give us our rights, but now every day they kill about 300 civilians, of whom the figure had  passed over 18,000. Twenty-two per cent of the Palestine people are  living in the said areas, facing death every now and then.   What is going on in Palestine now is more than genocide, as  the Israelis have blocked food and water for our people. The Ambassador  said.   

“We know that the people of Sri Lanka have their own problems,  which they struggle with for a long time. My advice to you is to find a  way to fight for your own solutions. Do not expect any other party to  come and solve your issues.   

And I know you can do it. Fight for your own rights and the  people of Palestine will always be with you. As your voice against the  injustices on our people matters a lot,” Dr. Zaid said.   

Many other local civil rights activists including Brito Fernando and Attorney Swasthika Arulingam addressed the gathering.

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