Biting the hands that feed you

Allegedly stolen gemstones valued Rs.25 million

By Lasantha Niroshana Perera- Ratnapura

A family that sought refuge at the residence of a leading  gem businessman in Ratnapura after being affected by the floods have  allegedly stolen gemstones valued Rs.25 million, according to the  police.   

The flood-hit family- father, mother and son- was hosted  by the businessman with meals for two days. The family was arrested by  the Ratnapura Police Special Investigation Division.  

After the floodwaters subsided, the family had left with  the promise to return to assist in cleaning the businessmen’s house.  They had arrived after a few days. In the process of cleaning the house,  they had removed gemstones. However, their act of theft had been  caught on CCTV camera. They had admitted to the theft. They are now to  be produced before the Ratnapura Magistrate.        

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