Bus fare hike by 22% from last night: NTC

  • Minmum fare Rs.40, maximum Rs.2,948

By Chaturanga Samarawickrama  

While considering the recent fuel price increases since  January this year, the bus fare was increased on four occasions, and the  National Transport Commission (NTC) decided to impose another bus fare  hike from last night.   

Addressing the media yesterday at the information  department, NTC Director General Nilan Miranda said that according to  the annual interim bus fare revision, the fare had been increased by 22 per cent.  

According to the normal service fare revision, the bus fare  was revised on 350 occasions. While increasing the maximum bus fare  from Rs. 2,417 to Rs. 2,948, the minimum bus fare, which was at Rs. 32,  was increased to Rs. 40, he said.  

The expressway’s luxury and super-luxury bus services have also increased by 22%.  


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