Cargo shipment with Petrol 92 to arrive today-Minister

  • No petrol or diesel shipments expected this week - Union

By Chaturanga Samarawickrama   

Even though the Power and Energy Minister claimed that the cargo shipment carrying 40,000 MT of Petrol 92 scheduled to arrive yesterday had been delayed by another day, Samagi United Trade Union Force (SUTUF) convener and media spokesman Ananda Palitha said that there are no diesel or petrol shipments expected to arrive in the country.   

He said that there was no diesel shipment arriving today (24). The crude oil shipment to be received on Tuesday (28) was also not coming in.   

Accordingly, the activities at the Sapugaskanda Refinery will have to stop from today due to the lack of crude oil stocks.   

He said that there are no fuel shipments scheduled to arrive in the country this week, as no payments have been made for any shipments.  Therefore, the Ministry should take action to distribute the remaining fuel stocks among the people, Palitha said.   

The CPC storage does not even have 25,000 MT of diesel and 1,500 MT of petrol, Palitha said.   

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