Colombo- Badulla main road likely to fall apart

By Saman Palitha Nanayakkara  

The Colombo – Badulla main highway which caved in near the 168KM post in Marangahawela, Haldummulla due to the incessant heavy rain experienced at present is endangered of falling apart.  

Haldummulla Divisional Secretary K.A.J.Priyangani said yesterday the road had  caved in and that the cracks were gradually widening. She pointed out that a concreted road connecting the main highway had developed cracks. She said the cracks were liable to widen and create a huge gap in the road.  

The Divisional Secretary warned of the possibility of a massive earth slip. She said officials of the National Building and Research Organization were expected to visit the scene and carry out an inspection yesterday.  

Meanwhile residents of the area said the endangered location had been affected by erosion previously.   She further said a vast area bordering the Beragala – Wellawaya road was undergoing erosion and that mud and rocks were rolling down onto the road.   She said a stretch of about 100ft of the road was prone to an earth slip.  

Asst. Director, Disaster Management Centre E.L.M.Udayakumara warned users of the Colombo- Badulla, Haputale- Beragala and Wellawaya –Beragala roads to be cautious of possible danger of earth slips and rock falling.    


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