Court issues summons on Johnston Fernando and two others

  • The Bribery Commission had filed a fresh indictment against three  accused including former Minister Johnston Fernando instead of the  indictment withdrawn previously

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda   

The Colombo High Court yesterday issued summons on former Minister Johnston Fernando and two others, directing them to appear before Court on July 4 over a corruption case filed against them by the Bribery Commission.  

The Colombo High Court made this order for the purpose of serving indictments to the accused.   
The Bribery Commission had filed a fresh indictment against three accused including former Minister Johnston Fernando instead of the indictment withdrawn previously.  

The Bribery Commission filed this corruption case against former Minister Johnston Fernando, former CWE (Lak Sathosa) Chairman Eraj Fernando and former Minister’s Private Secretary Raj Mohideen Mohammad Sakeer for allegedly causing a Rs.8.4 million unlawful loss to the government by employing the employees of the Cooperative Wholesale Establishment (CWE) for election work during  2012.  

The Director General of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption filed this corruption case against three accused under Section 70 of the Bribery Act on four charges.  


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