HRCSL expresses concerns over Yukthiya operation

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka expressed its concern yesterday with respect to the ‘Yukthiya’ Operation implemented by Sri Lanka Police and the Ministry of Public Security.

The Commission said that it notes that the Ministry is reported to have announced that over 20,000 suspects have been arrested under the operation in just two weeks between 17 December and 31 December 2023.

“The stated objective of the operation is to combat drug trafficking and organised crime. The Commission acknowledges that preventing organised crime and the trafficking of dangerous narcotics is an important objective. However, the Commission has received a number of complaints concerning torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and arbitrary arrests and detention associated with the ‘Yukithiya’ Operation.

We also note the recent statement of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka raising serious concerns with respect to the said operation. The operation has accordingly become associated with reports of widespread injustice, making its very title ‘Yukthiya’ (the Sinhala term for ‘justice’) a misnomer.
The Commission reiterates that every person in Sri Lanka has a fundamental right to be free from torture, or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment under Article 11 of the Sri Lankan Constitution.

This right is absolute and inalienable and may not be restricted under any circumstances. Police officers responsible for investigating crimes and apprehending suspects must, at all times, respect this right, which requires that suspects be treated with dignity. The Commission is disturbed to learn of reports of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment of persons, including young persons, during search operations conducted by the police.
The Commission is accordingly taking steps to inquire into such reports. These reports are particularly egregious in a context where the Commission has received over 200 complaints of torture in 2023 alone. Additionally, perpetrators of torture continue to hold office despite recent pronouncements by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka finding them responsible for torture and ordering them to pay compensation to victims,” it said.    

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