I have already started implementing my manifesto: RW


  • Pledges to reduce taxes within two years
  • Says will appoint a committee to look into matters regarding the enactment of new laws against corruption

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana   

Whilst stating that he has already started to convert his election pledges into practice, incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday said he had already begun a journey to create a corruption free nation.   

Speaking at the launch of his manifesto which is titled ‘Puluwan Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka can) President Wickremesinghe said he will appoint a committee to look into matters regarding the enactment of new laws against corruption.  

The committee will comprise members appointed by the Speaker, professional associations, the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) and the Chamber of Commerce. “We can have more members in this committee if necessary,” he said.

The President said some of the laws against corruption have already been enacted while more are still to be enacted. “We will compile a national anti-corruption plan and will convert the National Audit Bill to a more powerful one through amendments. We will also make the legislations in money laundering and financial crimes more rigid,” he pledged.   

“Other candidates talk of eradicating corruption and bringing those who rob public property to book but they have not acted upon it. However, our government has already started this process, What have others done? We have already begun stabilizing the nation in 2022 and we shall continue that process. Projects that can be implemented immediately will be started as soon as possible. “You elect me as the President on September 21 and I shall begin work from the next day onwards,” he said.   

Through his manifesto Mr. Wickremesinghe has pledged to reduce taxes within two years. This is to be done maintaining a primary account surplus. “We have already managed to maintain a surplus in the primary account. We also plan to remove the restriction on vehicle imports gradually. That will give us space to grant concessions,” State Minister Shehan Semasinghe told journalists later.   

As per the manifesto Mr. Wickremesinghe has pledged to introduce a Therawada based market economy. This is to be done by regaining Sri Lanka’s status of being a hub of manufacturing. “Sri Lanka was known as a hub of distributing agri products across the nation during the Anuradhapura era. We shall focus on smart agriculture where we shall export various crops,” the manifesto said.  

Also Mr. Wickremesinghe has pledged to give back all powers of Provincial Councils that have been taken over by the Central Government lately. Land and police power will be devolved to Provincial Councils subject to Parliament approval and if parties agree.   

Starting work on the new international airport in Hingurakgoda, expanding the Palali regional airport, granting Rs 35,000 for youth to start up vocational training and increasing wages are some of the pledges that are listed in the manifesto.   

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