MP Weerasekera questions move to construct monument

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana  

MP Sararth Weerasekera yesterday questioned a cabinet decision to construct a monument to commemorate all who died in the civil war including LTTE combatants.  
“It is shameful to construct a monument to remember the LTTEers together with security forces. Had USA constructed monuments to commemorate Al Qaeda members?” MP Weerasekera questioned in Parliament.  

“I am ashamed of this move as an ex-military officer,” he said in this regard.  

At the same time the MP criticized the Canadian Prime Minister who had allowed the commemoration of so called Tamil genocide during the war in Sri Lanka. We have heard that indigenous people in Canada were killed in numbers. Women in that country were not considered as people in the past,” he said.  

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