Media failed to report truth on Aragalaya

By Sandun A Jayasekera

Mass Media Minister Bandula Gunawardana bemoaned yesterday saying that the local media failed to give due attention to highlight the ferocity and savagery of the acts of terrorism staged under the guise of the so-called ‘Aragalaya’ on May 9, 2022 targeting the SLPP.   

“It was solely a barbaric attack unleashed on the then government and its leaders by a politically motivated group of hooligans. During the attack, they brutally killed a parliamentarian, set fire to private houses and assets of 72 SLPP government politicians and did bodily harm to 800 SLPP supporters. The preplanned violence was not something done spontaneously. They were monitored and organized by those who have experience in staging this kind of acts of terrorism similar to the reign of terror staged in 1989 – 90 period. But sadly, the media’s role in underscoring the inhuman nature of these atrocities is not satisfactory notwithstanding the fact that the media is the fourth estate or the pillar of democracy,” Minister Dr. Gunawardana said.  

If the extreme left thugs won on May 9th last year, it would have been the end of not only the democracy but the media too in this country, Minister Dr. Gunawardana emphasized.   
The attack that targeted politicians was barbaric, inhuman and beastly and marked one of the darkest days of Sri Lanka’s history. No any other country in the world has experienced something like this. Those who did it also wanted to destroy Parliament and put an end to participatory democracy but failed to do it thankful to the armed forces. Those who launched the acts of terrorism on May 9, 2022 attempted to grab power because they know that they can never come to power through an election, Minister Dr. Gunawardana noted.   

Making a statement to mark the ‘World Press Freedom Day’ Minister Dr. Gunawardana said the government has given full freedom to the media even to attack the government fairly or unfairly. 


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