Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights rings alarm bell on Yukthiya operation in Sri Lanka

  • Emphasises drug use as a public health issue requiring support and rehabilitation

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)  said it is very concerned that authorities in Sri Lanka are  adopting a heavily security-based response to the country’s drug  problem, instead of public health policies grounded in human rights. A  staggering 29,000 people have reportedly been arrested on drug-related  matters since December 17, with allegations that some have been  subjected to ill-treatment and torture.  
The spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human  Rights, in briefing notes, said security forces have reportedly  conducted raids without search warrants, detaining suspected drug  sellers and users, with hundreds sent to military-run rehabilitation  centres. During and after these operations, people are reported to have  been subjected to a number of violations, including unauthorised  searches, arbitrary arrests and detention, ill-treatment, torture, and  strip searches in public. Lawyers acting for those detained have alleged  that they have faced intimidation from police officers.   

“While drug use presents a serious challenge to society, a  heavy-handed law enforcement approach is not the solution. Abuse of  drugs and the factors that lead to it are first and foremost public  health and social issues. 

 People suspected of selling or trafficking  drugs are entitled to humane treatment, with full respect for due  process and transparent, fair trials.  

People who use drugs should be provided with appropriate  support and programmes that address the root causes of addiction and  assist their reintegration into society. The UN Human Rights Office last  year issued a report calling on States to develop effective drug  policies, including by considering the decriminalisation of drug use and  the possession of drugs for personal use.   

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk urges  the Government of Sri Lanka to review its ongoing “Yukthiya” operation,  and to implement human rights-based approaches, notably the right to  health, in addressing the issues of illicit drugs in society.  Allegations of abuse of authority, torture and ill-treatment and denial  of due process and fair trial rights must be thoroughly and impartially  investigated, and justice must be served,” the spokesperson said.        

  • People suspected of selling or trafficking  drugs are entitled to humane treatment, with full respect for due  process and transparent, fair trials 


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