Police told not to intervene in checking underground storage tanks

By Darshana Sanjeewa Balasuriya  

Following continuous incidents at fuel stations due to lack of petroleum products, the Police Headquarters has instructed all police officers not to interfere in opening of underground fuel storage tanks at fuel stations at the request of the public.  

Police said it has been observed that people waiting in queues have been asking the policemen who provide security to the sheds to open the underground fuel storage tanks once the fuel pumping has ceased. It was also monitored that policemen have intervened in the opening of underground fuel storage tanks.  
It is not the duty of the policemen to open the fuel tanks, but allow only those who are authorized to do so. If the policemen intervene and try to open the fuel tanks in this manner, the policemen concerned will be held responsible in the event of any incident occurs due to sabotage or accidentally.   

Therefore, the police urged the public not to pressurise police personnel on duty at petrol stations to open the underground fuel storage tanks at petrol sheds.    Meanwhile, the police officers have also been instructed by the IGP to video if they are unable to control the situation and if a conflict breaks out between police officers and certain groups in the filling stations.  

Police Spokesman SSP Nihal Thalduwa said that the footage will be used to take legal action against such persons in the future.  

Meanwhile, he said legal action had been taken against 675 persons for illegally stockpiling fuel during raids conducted across the country, SSP Thalduwa said.  


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