President vows to address caste-related issues in north

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has pledged to investigate Divisional Secretariats that are neglecting public issues by prioritizing caste-related concerns in the Northern Province, the President’s Media Division said.  

In the course of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s four-day tour of the Northern Province, a meeting occurred on Saturday (06) between the President and Arun Siddharth, the Chairman of the Civil Society Centre in Jaffna.  

The discussions encompassed a range of issues impacting civil society in the region, with a specific focus on challenges related to caste. President Wickremesinghe reiterated his dedication to promptly addressing and resolving these concerns.  

Siddharth highlighted concerning issues, expressing regret about Jaffna based politicians residing in Colombo seem to avoid addressing these issues and he emphasized the need for a more vocal response from political figures concerning the challenges faced by the local population.  

Siddharth unveiled the presence of caste-based schools in the Northern Province. In response, the President requested the naming of 100 existing schools and assured the Jaffna Civil Society Centre that these 100 schools would undergo immediate development.


  • Jaffna  based politicians residing in Colombo seem to avoid addressing these  issues and he emphasized the need for a more vocal response from  political figures concerning the challenges faced by the local  population


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