Presidential Commission report on political victimisation Opposition parties have decided to work together - SJB Gen. Secy.     Follow

By Yohan Perera  

Opposition parties have decided to work together in dealing with the Presidential Commission report on political victimisation which has found some political party leaders guilty, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) General Secretary Ranjith Madumma Bandara said yesterday.  

Mr. Madduma Bandara was responding to a question raised by the journalists as to whether there would be a merger of the UNP and SJB.  

“We have decided to work with all other opposition political parties in dealing with the report of the Presidential Commission which had made an effort to manipulate the country’s law in recommending action against those in the previous regime who worked towards penalising the wrong doers,”  Mr. Madumma Bandara said.  “There is a demand that SJB and UNP should merge and therefore we invite all UNPers to join us,”  he added.  Also he said his party will work towards safeguarding the Sri Lankan security forces in Geneva. 

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