Repeated shots fired into the air and CS gas launched as, Temple Trees surrounded by anti-govt. protesters last night


  • Protesters try to break in from Galle Road and Nawam Mawatha end entrances of Temple Trees
  • About ten buses torched around the Beira Lake

Text and pix by Kurulu Koojana Kariyakarawana and Kamanthi Wickramasinghe   

Repeated launching of tear gas was witnessed and small arms were fired into the air when scattered groups of anti-government protesters surrounded  Temple Trees last night trying to force there way in from two entrances situated on Galle Road and Nawam Mawatha.  

Additional platoons of army and navy were seen summoned to the location from 8.00pm onwards, which housed the country’s outgoing Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa who tendered his resignation following a chaotic disruption of public order triggered by his supporters crashing the mass protest site of ‘GotaGoGama’ at Galle Face and ‘MynaGoGama’.   

The escalating public unrest which lasted throughout the day in various points across Colombo yesterday was seen aggravating towards nightfall when angry mobs armed with iron bars were seen gathering around the main entrances of  Temple Trees.   

Protesters who took control of several police barricades were seen ramming them into the heavy iron gates of the two Galle Road entrances of  Temple Trees in a bid to crash into the premises.   
Tear gas and rubber bullets were fired from within the premises targeting the masses that were gathering on Galle Road, where one protester was seen hit by a rubber bullet on the head.   
One of the two Galle Road gates were broken down by protesters who were seen engaged in heated arguments with armed forces personnel.   
Meanwhile, powerful and irritating CS gas (chlorobenzalmalononitrile) was being repeatedly fired outside the back or the main entrance of the Temple Trees from Nawam Mawatha end targeting the advancing mob which forced themselves into the premises.   
A protester was seen taking control of a police bus which was parked across the entrance from within the premises and was seen driving it out amidst massive cheering from protesters who kept gathering in numbers. The group then smashed the bus windscreens before trying to turn the vehicle and utilize it as a battering ram to inflict further damage to the entrance. 

Armed forces stationed at Temple Trees then started firing light ammunition into the air in a bid to disperse the crowds and short bursts of firing similar to the firing of a light machine gun was heard. 

Hardly any media personnel, especially photographers or television cameramen were present at any of these sites as the angry protesters were demanding the former to refrain from videoing or recording any of the incidents fearing legal repercussions.   

Meanwhile, three buses were seen engulfed in flames and emitting thick black smoke into the night sky near the bridge next to Colombo Tea Auction on Nawam Mawatha.     

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