SF justifies his action to criticize SJB leadership

By Yohan Perera   

Justifying his earlier verbal attack on Samagi Jana  Balawegaya (SJB) Leader Sajith Premadasa, the party Chairman Sarath  Fonseka said he did not have any other option but to voice his grievances in  public when the party higher-ups are making unilateral decisions.   

He was responding to the remarks made by SJB Leader Sajith  Premadasa during the weekend, where he said those who criticize the party  leadership and break discipline can leave the party. Mr. Premadasa also  indicated that disciplinary action would be taken against MP. Fonseka.   

“When decisions are taken unitarily, and when the  opportunity for discussion and discourse is not provided within the  party, the only option left is to voice these grievances to the public.  We should always remember that the strength of the party is its members  and well-wishers and not just a select few,” Field Marshal Fonseka said  in his latest post on X.   

“SJB is a party many people worked hard to build. It is  through sheer hard work, dedication, and commitment that the SJB was  developed. The foundation of the party is based on principles and values, and it is only if we uphold these values that can further strengthen the  party,” he said.   

“For far too long, political parties have been playing petty  politics, forming alliances that betray the aspirations of the people.  This has resulted in a bankrupt country after 76 years of independence.  It is my fervent belief that Sri Lanka has to transcend from this  practice and embrace values and policies that embody transparency,  accountability, and inclusive governance and leadership. It is time we  transcend from the politics of identities to the politics of policies.   

It is true that to achieve electoral success, alliances need  to be formed, but it is also important to note that these alliances  need to reflect the will and aspirations of the people. If we form  alliances with those that are rejected by the people, then we are  causing harm to the party, we fought to collectively develop,” he added.    

“We need to work to get people together, however, what’s of  paramount importance is that we strive to get the right people together.  Only then can we achieve the goals and objectives set for the SJB  which resonate with the genuine and legitimate aspirations of the people  of this our great country, Sri Lanka,” he also said.   
Daily Mirror reliably learns that some MPs of the SJB are  rallying around Fonseka while others have criticized him for his action.  Criticism has come from the Party General Secretary Ranjith Madduma Bandara himself.     


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