SJB instigates street protests to topple Govt.

  • Days of the Rajapaksa - Wickremesinghe administration are numbered claims Attanayake

By Yohan Perera   

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will get together with the people who are waiting to take to the streets and will launch street battles this week for a change of government, its National Organizer Tissa Attanayake said yesterday.   

Mr. Attanayake who made this remark at a media briefing said days of the Rajapaksa - Wickremesinghe administration are numbered. “The Rajapaksa - Wickremesinghe government will not remain in power for long,” he said. “We shall start street battles from this week to change the government. We also call for a joint opposition struggle against the present administration,” he added.    He said the government has not been able to control the financial turmoil of the country as the cost of living has gone up by 150 percent. “People have been pushed to an even more difficult situation with the fifth fuel price hike for the year,” he said.   

Also Spokesman of Samgi Trade Union Alliance Ananda Palitha who participated in the briefing said there is a move to sell off more than 1000 filling stations held by Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and to allow private sector companies to import and distribute fuel.    SJB Organizer for Colombo North C. Y. P Ram who is a businessman called for a solution to the power crisis. “Many industries have been affected by the power crisis,” he said.   


  • The govt. has not been able to control the financial turmoil of the country

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