Some private bus operators indulge in diesel pilferage

  • Ministry to introduce computerized system to monitor fuel issuance

By Kelum Bandara

Private bus operators who are allowed to tank up at the depots of the state –run bus service indulge in pilferage of diesel to be sold in the black market for undue profits     without using their vehicles for passenger transportation during the crisis time, Daily Mirror learns.

An informed source said the private bus operators are permitted to fill up at the state run fueling stations attached to the depots of the Sri Lanka Transport Board, but some of them misuse the facility to stock fuel privately to be sold at higher prices. “Some bus operators queue up for diesel. Once they fill up, they move   away to empty the diesel tanks of their buses into plastic cans. Again, they stand in queues to fill up. In this manner, they collect diesel to be sold in the black market.  They don’t use such fuel for passenger transport services. 

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