UNP will not accept SJBers returning to secure parliamentary seats - Ruwan

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By Yohan Perera   

The UNP will not accept those Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB)ers who want to come back to the fold merely to secure their parliamentary seats and local government body memberships, but those who want to work for the betterment of the grand old party, its Deputy Leader Ruwan Wijewardene said.  

Mr. Wijewardene told party activists in Sirikotha on Thursday that the  doors will be open only to those who want to work genuinely for the UNP.   

“There are some SJBers who want to come back to the UNP just to secure their Parliamentary seat and seats in the local bodies. We will open the doors to only those who want to work genuinely for the betterment of the party,” Mr. Wijewardene said.  “We have decided to seek the opinion of UNPers in the grass root level when inviting outsiders to join our party in the future. This is because only grass root level members are aware as to what is happening in their respective constituencies,” he also said.  

“We have identified that many UNPers have distanced themselves from us as the leaders did not make it a point to meet them. Many UNPers used to visit Sirikotha in the past to meet the leadership but they have gone empty handed.  This mistake will not be committed again,” he assured. 


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