Unless SL’s tarnished image is restored Not possible to purchase fuel from any nation

By Yohan Perera   

It is not possible to purchase fuel from any nation without restoring Sri Lanka’s image in the world which is tarnished badly, an opposition MP said yesterday.   

 MP Patali Champika Ranawaka made this remark responding to reports which came in yesterday that Sri Lanka is to purchase fuel from Russia.  “Sri Lanka will not be able to purchase fuel from anywhere in the world until its image in the international arena is restored. The image has been tarnished because of corruption. A foreign bank in USA had already filed legal action against Sri Lanka for holding its assets,” the MP said.   

“There should be a real multi party government where all political parties in the opposition should play a role to restore the battered nation. All political parties in the opposition and government should get together,” he added.   


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