Verbal battle between PM and Sajith

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana  

A verbal battle between Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa rocked Parliament yesterday with Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardene warning that he would have to suspend the sessions if the agenda is not followed.  

Mr. Premadasa who insisted that he has the right to reply to Prime Minister irrespective of the agreed agenda said the latter had done the usual by talking about the bankrupt status of the country.
“Prime Minister has failed as he has ended up talking of the economic downturn of the country. He had failed to come up with any solution to the long queues to purchase fuel and gas. It was the government which was led by Mr. Wickremesinghe that banned the Qatar charity fund. Now the government is going with the begging bowl to purchase fuel.  

One cannot purchase fuel from Qatar. It was I who was sent by Mr. Premadasa’s father to purchase fuel from the nations which had fuel. 

My father made Mr. Wickremesinghe the head of his 200 garment factory programme. It was my father who gave opportunities to Mr. Wickremesinghe.  

I was never the Minister in charge of the Apparel industry under President Premadasa’s cabinet. It was U. B. Wijekoon who was in charge of the apparel industry. Sajith and the others don’t know how to capture power. One has to grip the power and then hold on to it. You cannot come to power by holding placards. I request Mr. Premadasa and others to come join me and I will teach them political lessons.  

We have taught a good lesson to Mr. Wickremesinghe. His party was reduced to nothing and he was able to come to Parliament from the national list. He later got a kana chance and became the Prime Minister.  

I am the one who saved Mr. Premadasa’s father from the impeachment.    







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