• Chamara Gunasekera’s name did not find any link locally leading to conclusions that the entire scam may have allegedly been conducted with the blessings of those high in power at the time  
  • Daily Mirror learns that the CID has already written a letter to the concerned bank in the UK to acquire more information  
  • Under mysterious circumstances, the Daily Mirror learns that then Foreign Secretary Jayanath Colombage had instructed to release the wreck of the sunken X Press Pearl ship on orders by then President Gotabaya Rajapaksa

By Jamila Husain and Kelum Bandara

Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s revelation in Parliament yesterday over one Chamara Gunasekera being the recipient of a US 250 million dollar bribe to bury the X Press Pearl compensation claim sent shockwaves amongst politicians and journalists who were hurrying to find who the name was connected to locally.  

However after intense investigations, the name did not find any link locally leading to conclusions that the entire scam may have allegedly been conducted with the blessings of those high in power at the time, for it to be covered up in such a manner.  

Sources linked to the matter also said that Chamara Gunasekera may have acted only as an agent to collect the bribe for it to be distributed to others who had given the green light to cover the entire compensation 

claim.   Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe in Parliament said yesterday the recipient of the bribe was Chamara Gunasekera who received the monies in a UK account number 15479334.  

The Minister later told Daily Mirror that he had revealed whatever information he had in Parliament and he had now handed over the investigation to the CID. The Daily Mirror learns that the CID has already written a letter to the concerned bank in the UK to acquire more information on the account holder.  

However under mysterious circumstances, the Daily Mirror learns that then Foreign Secretary Jayanath Colombage had instructed to release the wreck of the sunken X Press Pearl ship on orders by then President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.    The Daily Mirror learns that Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe contacted Gotabaya Rajapaksa to inquire about it and the former President had reportedly denied his hand in this regard.   

At a SLPP Group meeting held on Monday, the SLPP MPs had questioned Foreign Minister Ali Sabry to divulge the truth behind the bribery allegations, claiming that such heavy allegations would hamper the name of the SLPP and its future campaigns.  

The SLPP MPs wanted answers from Sabry as he was the Justice Minister at the time the X Press Pearl tragedy occurred. Information had also leaked that the ship was released allegedly on orders of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the MPs wanted to know the truth. 

Sabry had responded saying that Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe would reveal all in Parliament on Tuesday and for the MPs to be patient. 

With no notable local link, MPs who were questioned by the Daily Mirror last evening also raised queries if a Chamara Gunasekera actually exists or if it is a cover up name. However all said they would await further details from the CID probe and the Justice Minister.    Meanwhile Parliamentarian Chandima Weerakkody who now sits in the opposition in Parliament asked for a parliamentary select committee to probe the alleged US 250 million dollar bribe taken by an individual named David Chamara Gunasekara in London so that the truth could be revealed to the public.    

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