‘Yukthiya’ operation seizes over Rs. 100Mn in assets of key drug traffickers including ‘Kudu Roshan’

  • Total arrests in ‘Yukthiya’ reach 29,475  

By Darshana Sanjeewa Balasuriya   

The Illegal Assets and Properties Investigation Division of the Police have confiscated assets and land valued at over Rs. 100 million, belonging to major drug traffickers ‘Kudu Roshan,’ ‘Kavidu Maduranga,’ and Hettiarachchige Sriyani. 

The operation is part of the ongoing ‘Yukthiya’ initiative targeting individuals engaged in illegal activities.   
Acting Inspector General of Police (IGP) Deshabandu Tennakoon said that the seized items include a luxury jeep valued at Rs. 33 million, a van worth Rs. 13 million, two cars valued at Rs. 14 million, and a three-wheeler valued at Rs. 1 million.   

He said lands and properties worth Rs. 45 million in Thalagala, Malabe, and Ja-Ela, allegedly owned by traffickers involved in illegal activities, have also been confiscated.  Investigations initiated by the Illegal Assets and Properties Investigation Division, following a complaint to the Financial Intelligence Unit, revealed that the luxury jeep and the van were registered under the sister of Kavidu Maduranga.

Reports suggesting Kavidu Maduranga’s involvement in drug trafficking and funding terrorism prompted the investigation, according to the Public Security Ministry.   

In addition, the seized car, three-wheeler, and lands in Thalagala and Malabe belong to imprisoned suspect Hettiarachchige Sriyani. Another luxury car registered under the brother of drug trafficker ‘Kudu Roshan’ and a two-storey house valued at Rs. 24 million were also seized.  Meanwhile, a 24-hour anti-drug operation under ‘Yukthiya’ conducted across the island resulted in the arrest of 955 suspects, bringing the total number of arrests to 29,475.   
Acting IGP Tennakoon said that the comprehensive efforts aim to combat drug-related crimes and dismantle associated networks. 

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