Disgusting dog meat scandal busted

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By Sanath Gamage
A disgusting scandal involving the sale of dog meat mixed with venison in the Hambantota area was busted by Wildlife officials.
Range Forest Conservator W.A.Gunatunga said organized gangs killed drought stricken wild animals that flocked to the tanks and waterholes in the jungle.

 They allegedly killed dogs and mixed the flesh with venison as well.  He said venison was a savoury among local tourists who visited the area and the racketeers had taken advantage of the demand.
He said the heads and offal of dogs killed had been found around the Thammenna tank reservation. He said several poachers who hunted wild animals in Thammenna area had been arrested. Wildlife conservation officers said it was not easy to distinguish the flesh of dogs and venison when mixed.  He said information had been received that venison had been sold in Hambantota, Ambalantota and Hungama areas and that the Wildlife conservation department initiated investigations to arrest the suspects.  Wildlife conservation officials requested pilgrims to Kataragama and tourists to refrain from consuming meat supplied by hunters.

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