eMarketingEye announces Sri Lanka’s first ever Online Marketing Hackathon

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 eMarketingEye (www.emarketingeye.com) introduces a revolutionary method of drawing in emerging talent and progressive thinkers who will push the boundaries of Online Marketing and take the company and the country to the next level. Where traditional
Hackathons focus on the Tech and Software aspects of a business, the aim of the Online Marketing Hackathon is to source fresh perspectives in the field of Online Marketing.

Speaking to CEO, Rajitha Dahanayake, on the vision behind the Hackathon he says, “What we’re really trying to get out of this is to draw out the innovative thinkers of this country, because they are out there, but nobody’s really paying attention just yet. By doing this we want to unearth promising talent in the country and better equip them with the necessary skill set to harness their potential in Online Marketing.”

The Hackathon will be an all day event held on the 6th of September  at the eMarketingEye office in Nugegoda. There will be a session which will serve as an introduction to the company, offer an insight into the world of Online Marketing and lay out the guidelines for the Hackathon which will begin shortly after.

Participants will be divided into random groups and given a case study to collectively brainstorm and devise an Online Marketing Campaign Strategy for a travel / hotel company.The event is open to anyone, from those already in the industry to fresh university graduates, who think they have what it takes to push the boundaries of conventional marketing strategies. Participants will be competing for the opportunity to work full-time with eMarketingEye.

Speaking about the eMarketingEye team Rajitha says “We’re all family here. There really is that atmosphere where we all have a common goal of taking eMarketingEye to that next level and there is that recognition that success is achieved through team effort.”

eMarketingEye is a Google AdWords and Analytics Certified Partner Company that offers a total range of Online Marketing services such as e-strategy consulting, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay-Per-Click marketing (PPC), web development, social media optimisation, e-mail marketing, web analytics and Internet Booking Engine solutions. The company is recognized globally with over 60 national and international awards over the past 8 years, including multiple Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards at HSMAI Adrian Awards, Best in Class Awards at Interactive Media Awards (IMA), Best SEO Strategy Award from ad-tech, Google Campaign of the Year 2010 and Google SME Agency of the Year 2009.

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