After all, he has got his prize     Follow


This Diyawanna member, once an associate of Prince Panchaudha, took political refuge in the Compassionate One on the eve of the last mini-polls. 


Later he became a star speaker at the Blue party poll rallies and after the polls were over, he requested that he be raised to the status of a governing one in a province; however, his request went unheeded. 

Meanwhile, some members from the Panchaudha group had heard that their erstwhile pal had after all struck gold - in the form of a coconut estate in Wayamba worth Rs.30 million! Now set to go to town with the story, the Panchaudha faithfuls are said to be, nevertheless, perusing documents at a registry to double-check whether the new owner of this estate is a bald headed one familiar to them. 


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