Armed police cordon off a road in Strasbourg amid fear gunman may be hiding in nearby building     Follow


Strasbourg, (Daily Mail), 13 December 2018 - Heavily armed police swooped on the Neudorf neighbourhood of Strasbourg on Thursday amid a massive manhunt for Christmas market shooter Cherif Chekatt.  

Police cars blocked a street as officers carrying rifles and dressed in body armour gathered in the neighbourhood where Chekatt was dropped off by a taxi driver following his bloody rampage on Tuesday.  

Chekatt killed three people and wounded 12 during an attack on the city’s Christmas Market before fleeing when he was shot through the shoulder.   

One French police official said security forces, including the elite Raid squad, are taking action on Thursday based on a ‘supposition only’ that Chekkat could be hiding in a nearby building.  

A government spokesman confirmed authorities have been told to capture Chekatt ‘dead or alive’, and that the most important thing is that he is found quickly.

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