Government shutdown will go into 2019     Follow


The government shutdown will not be lifted before the New Year after the Senate graveled out of session until next week and Republican House leaders told members there would be no votes on Friday.   

Republican Sen. Pat Roberts graveled the upper chamber into session for 4 minutes Thursday, on day six of the shutdown and announced it will not be back in for a formal session until Wednesday of next week.   

The House graveled into session for 3 1/2 minutes on Thursday.   

The Senate and House will both be in session Monday for a pro forma meeting but no business or votes are expected to be conducted in yet another sign the shutdown will drag on.   Both chambers have promised lawmakers at least 24 hours notice before any votes are to be held in order to give them time to get to the Capitol.   

While the House was in session Thursday afternoon, Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern tried to bring up a bill to reopen the government. He shouted to try to be recognized but Republican Rep. Luke Messer - who was presiding over the chamber - ignored him and graveled the House out of session.   

McGovern told reporters afterward there was an agreement to fund the government in place last week: ‘Until the president, you know, went off his meds, and who the hell knows what happened.’   

Earlier in the day, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise’s office advised lawmakers there would be no votes this week.   
Daily Mail, 
27 December 2018

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