May holds crisis talks with Cabinet     Follow


UK, (Daily Mail), 6 December 2018 - Theresa May is holding crisis talks with her inner Cabinet today as she stares down the barrel of catastrophic defeat on her Brexit plan.  

The PM summoned senior ministers to Downing Street hours after she vowed to push ahead with the crunch vote.  

But several members of the Cabinet are urging her to think again in the face of hardening opposition from Tory rebels and the DUP.  

It is understood the meeting is ‘taking stock’ of the situation on the meaningful vote, with sources playing down the idea that the vote could be put off.   

Earlier, Mrs May struck a defiant tone as she warned there is no other deal on the table, and that killing her proposal off would either end up with the UK crashing out of the EU - or Brexit not happening at all.   

Asked repeatedly about calls from senior ministers to put off the Commons showdown on Tuesday, Mrs May said: ‘We are in the middle of five days of debate in Parliament which will lead up to a vote on this issue.’   


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