Torrential rain hampers rescue efforts as death toll rises to 429     Follow


Search efforts for the 154 people still missing in the disaster zone of the deadly tsunami that has killed at least 429 people continued on Tuesday, with some officials admitting privately that the chance of finding more survivors alive was slim.

At the Tanjung Lesung beach resort, where the pop band Seventeen was performing when the tsunami struck, resort director Kunto Wijoyo told the Guardian he spent Sunday morning helping to carry some of the 
 106 bodies of people who died at the holiday retreat.

“There were men, women and babies,” he said, adding that he hoped authorities would consider building a dam in the area to prevent further similar disasters.

A grass lawn nearby was strewn with crumpled metal that had formed the band’s stage, with half-destroyed musical instrument cases lying among the wreckage.

A policeman at the resort, large parts of which were obliterated by the waves, said rescue teams were legally obliged to keep searching for the missing people for seven days, beginning last Sunday morning.

Soldiers combed the coast, flying drones overhead as torrential rain contributed to tricky driving conditions for ambulances ferrying injured people to local hospitals.

Rescuers have also been searching Sumur, an area at the very southern part of where the tsunami hit.  Officials confirmed there were 1,485 people injured by the tsunami as well as 882 houses and 73 hotels and villas damaged. More than 430 boats were also damaged.

On Monday, Indonesian officials confirmed that the deadly tsunami was triggered by a chunk of the Anak Krakatau volcano slipping into the ocean.
The volcano had been spewing ash and lava for months before a 64-hectare (158-acre) section of its south-west side collapsed, an official said. 

“This caused an underwater landslide and eventually caused the tsunami,” said Dwikorita Karnawati, the head of the meteorological agency.

The fact that the tsunami was triggered by a volcano rather than an earthquake meant no tsunami warning was triggered, scientists said. Coastal residents reported not seeing or feeling any warning signs before waves of up to three metres high surged in.
December 25, 2018 (Daily Mail)

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