An elderly man or a woman begging in a public place or lying destitute and homeless by the roadside is a touching sight for any ordinary human being. Such aged men and women in most cases are those disowned and discarded by their children.
Just as there are Arishta Yogas there are Arishta-Bhanga Yogas or planetary combinations that dissolve the Arishta Yogas. Therefore, a student of Astrology after identifying an Arishta Yoga in a Natal Chart should look it up carefully to ascertain whether there are Arishta-Bhanga Yogas as well.
In our previous three articles on Fine-tuning Muhurtha, we explained the ten-fold blemishes or evil yoga - called Dasa Maha Dosha which should be avoided when fixing an auspicious time or Subha Muhurtha for commencing an important activity or inaugurating a landmark event in life.
Muhurtha is an astrological term familiar to most laymen. Muhurtha is the moment or the time selected for commencing any important activity or inaugurating any important event in life. The ordinary folk in our country often refer to Muhurtha as ‘Nekata’.
Maha Rishis of Maha Bharata -ancient India and sages from great civilizations in Babylon and Mesopotamia had discovered the Great Universal Scheme of Rhythm and the need of man to become an integral part of this great scheme if he is to discover his full potential as a human being.
Most people in our country believe in Astrology. They make it a point to observe Astrological guidelines in fixing times for all important events in life and also in taking decisions on very vital matters like marriage.
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