A total Lunar Eclipse on July 27 - 28

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Eclipses 2
A total Lunar eclipse will occur in the 1st quarter of Suvana constellation in the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn (Makara) when the Moon will pass through the centre of earth’s shadow beginning 22.45 hours (local time) on Friday July 27. 

The greatest eclipse will occur at 01.42 hours on July 28 Saturday and will end at 4.59 hours the same day.  It will be visible in our country and most parts of Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe and South America. 

The 2nd Lunar eclipse in the year 2018, this is the 21st century’s longest Lunar eclipse with the totality lasting for 103 minutes. 

According to the ancient Indian Rishis it is inauspicious to start any important event in life or embark on any plan or program for that matter on the day of a Solar or Lunar eclipse and during the three days both preceding and following the day of the eclipse counting a total of seven days.

It is also the general opinion of the savants of Astrology that it is  inauspicious to commence any important event or plan during the running of either the Zodiacal sign or the constellation in which the eclipse occurs either on the day of the eclipse or within the seven days preceding or the following the day of the eclipse which add up to 15 days.                      

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