Astrology and Rebirth Natal Chart, key to unlock our past births     Follow


It is no secret that almost all believers in the Law of Karma and rebirth are curious to know what they were in their previous births, particularly in their immediately previous lifetime.

With the concept of rebirth gaining ground across the world, many scholars, those in the West in particular had begun research into the fascinating phenomenon of rebirth and reams have already been written on their findings. 


Past Life regression techniques
Meanwhile, some scholars have taken the initiative to develop techniques for accessing the past life. All these techniques are based on the presumption that one’s subconscious mind is the storehouse of all information about one’s past births. And some individuals have developed the skill to access person’s past lifetimes by sending him into a trance through hypnosis or meditation.  This technique is referred to as the Past Life 
Regression (PLR).  This is a technique that enables you to extend your memory lane to lifetimes beyond your current life.


Psychiatric treatment therapy
In fact, this PLR technique is being widely used across the world as a form of therapy to heal the psychiatric ailments of patients.  Life Research Academy in Hyderabad in India is a well- known place where psychiatric patients are treated using the Past Life Regression therapy.


Natal Chart, the Key to unlock our paST births 
What we have already said is only incidental to our main subject, Astrology and Rebirth. In fact, rebirth is the quintessence of Astrology, whether it belongs to the Western, Chinese or the Vedic school. Both Western and Vedic astrologers accept that the one’s Natal Chart provides the clue to what one had been in his previous lifetime. 


Teachings of Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology
Vedic Astrology teaches that the 9th House and the ruler of the decanate (Drekanna) occupied by the Sun or the Moon (whichever is stronger) placed in the Natal Chart provides the key to unlock one’s past birth. Meanwhile the Western Astrology says that North Node and the South node of the Moon – Rahu and Ketu in a Natal Chart provide the key to access one’s past life. 

Western astrologers maintain that the lunar nodes representing the points where Moon’s orbit crosses the ‘ecliptic’ the apparent path of the Sun moving around the earth – (it is really the earth that moves around the Sun. However, from our vantage positions we see as the Sun moving round the earth) – hold the clue to unraveling the mystery of our previous births.  They say that the South Node represents the karmic path in our current lifetime and the North Node unfolds challenges and fortunes we have brought forward to the current lifetime from our previous births. 
(To be continued)


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