Astrology and the operation of Law of Karma     Follow

None can gainsay the obvious fact that the science of Vedic astrology rests on the Law of Karma which also implies the existence of rebirth or the circle of birth and death. 

Astrologers often refer to the Natal Chart or the horoscope as the Map of one’s Karma.


Definition of Karma
The Sanskrit word, ‘Karma’ that has entered the Sinhala vocabulary is in common usage in this country. Although the term, ‘Karma’ is used as ‘Kamma’ in Pali text books on Buddhism, the Buddhists in this country usually use the Sanskrit term in their daily lives. 
The word, Karma has its root in the Vedas of Brahmanism and the definition of what Karma or Kamma is, given both in Vedas and in Buddhism is basically the same. However, Buddhism unlike the Vedas denies that there is a permanent entity called Atma passing from one birth to another.


Astrology,a mechanism to account for operation of Law of Karma
By the way, Astrology, a byproduct of Vedic philosophy seems to have been developed as a mechanism to account for the operation of the Law of Karma encompassing the terrestrial phenomena with special reference to human beings. While Mundane Astrology has been developed for the purpose of foreseeing the significant events of the material world like wars, plagues, earthquakes, socio-political and geo-political changes, environmental transformations etc. Natal Astrology has been developed for the purpose of predicting fortunes and misfortunes in store for individuals. 

It is presumed that just as every natural phenomenon that occurs in the world, every fortune or misfortune that an individual has to face in life is subject to a universal law called the Law of Karma. And Astrology is the mechanism that has been designed and developed by ancient Indian seers based on the Law of Karma to gain a foresight into the future of the material world as well as that of an individual.

Scholars of Vedic philosophy have classified Karma under the following laws of Nature:

  • Law of Causation
  • Law of Action and Reaction
  • Law of Compensation
  • Law of Retribution
  • Law of Impressions
  • Law of Causation

The Law of Causation is the basic law that says that whatever happens in the universe is due to a cause. All other laws of Nature are subordinate to this fundamental law. Thoughts and actions of Man are subject to this law. A good thought will produce a good effect, a bad thought a bad effect. Similarly, a good action will produce a good reaction, and a bad action, a bad reaction. Both cause and effect constitute Karma. 


Law of Action and Reaction
For every action there is a reaction. If you cause pain to another, you will, in turn, suffer pain. This law operates both on mental and physical planes with precision and accuracy. 


Law of Compensation
The Law of Compensation operates in every natural phenomenon. This law will restore equilibrium, harmony and justice in the wake of every catastrophe. Every evil act will beget an evil result under this law too. 


Law of Retribution
Every wrong action will bring its own punishment according to this Law of Retribution. He who hurts another hurts himself first. He who cheats another cheats himself first. Every wrong action while instantly punishing the doer’s inner self will eventually punish him by way of pain, misery, misfortune, disease etc. 


Law of Impressions
Whatever one does, would leave an impression on one’s subconscious mind. Impressions that converge make Samskaras (dispositions or behavioural traits). Samskaras transform into habits and habits in turn develop into character. Thus, Karma produces character. 
(To be continued)

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