Human Hand – trailblazer of Human Civilization What the signs and lines on Mounts say     Follow

Astropalm 76


Signs and lines on the Mount of Saturn – Part 3

By A. S. Fernando
Figure 1
Description:  A star almost in the middle of a double or a triple Girdle of Venus on the Mount of Saturn.
Result:  A terrible venereal disease followed by death. 

Figure 2
Description:  A star on the line of Fate proceeding deeply into the second finger. 
Result:  The subject faces the danger of being assassinated or he is having a murderous tendency. 

Figure: 3
Description:  A circle on the Mount of Saturn.
Result:   A favourable sign to be read with other indications on the palm. 

Figure: 4
Description:   A square on the Mount of Saturn
Result:  An indication that the subject would escape death from a fire indicated elsewhere on the palm. 

Figure: 5
Description:   A star within a square on the Mount of Saturn.
Result:  The subject would escape from being assassinated. 

Figure 6:   
Description:  A square with red dots at its corners. 
Result:  The subject would escape imminent death due to a fire. 

Figure 7: 
Description: A triangle on the Mount of Saturn
Result: A special aptitude for occult sciences
If there is a star on the third phalanx of the second finger in addition to the triangle on the Mount: This aptitude will be used for evil purposes. 

Figure 8:
Description:   A grille on the Mount of Saturn
Result:   Lack of luck in old age and possible imprisonment   

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