Judging character by the Sun Sign - Leo

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Natal Solar month and the Sun Sign – Part 5


Energetic, adventurous and strong in physique

Honest, straightforward and outspoken

Female natives prone to complications at child delivery


The Sun rises from the horizon with the Leo sign for us in Sri Lanka usually from August 17 to September 16.  The Leo, the fifth sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Sun himself and those born in the Solar month of Leo are fortunate to come under the influence of a Swakshetra Sun. 

Those born in this Solar month are energetic, adventurous, and are endowed with a strong physique.  They are healthy people and even if they fall ill, they would recover fast.  Being very emotional people, strong feelings they harbour be it love, hate or compassion affect their hearts.  Therefore, they often become heart patients. 

Leo people are usually egoistic, arrogant and self-centered. They get easily perturbed. 

Women born in this Solar month would experience complications at child delivery. 

Leo people are endowed with courage and boldness. They are honest, straightforward and outspoken in their dealings with others. 

They are cavalier and overbearing in their attitude. Their married life would not be a success if their partner is not submissive and docile.  They often suspect their spouses.

Leo people are attached to their children. Of them one son would rise to a very high position. 

They are fond of luxuries in life and would want to move in high society.  They are so liberal in spending and they become poor savers. 

Leo people are religious. They love authority and think that they have been born to give commands. And they expect others to obey their orders. 

Leo people often suffer from spleen and bladder troubles in old age.  They also develop eye ailments, backache and problems resulting from the hardening of arteries.

Leo people are suited for jobs where they have to closely move with ordinary people and manual workers.  They are attracted to games of chance like betting and gambling. 

The career success of Leo people begins at the age of 22. 

They could make a success of their married life if the partner is of the same solar sign or that of Aries and Sagittarius. 

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