Judging character by the Sun Sign – Libra

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           Natal Solar month and the Sun Sign - Part 7             


  • Kind and compassionate
  • nOutspoken and honest
  • nImbued with an unwavering sense of justice
  • nGifted with a keen aesthetic sense

Those born in the Solar month of Libra from October 17 to November 15 are considered Libra subjects. 

Kind, gentle, soft-spoken, outspoken and honest
The persons born during this Solar month are generally kind and compassionate. They are gentle and soft-spoken. 

Libra people are outspoken and honest. Being endowed with an unwavering sense of justice, Libra subjects make ideal judges.  Their friends, associates and acquaintances highly value their judgment.  They do not get embroiled in disputes and controversies because they use tact and diplomacy in their dealings with others. 

Lovers of beauty and symmetry
Gifted with a keen aesthetic sense, they love beauty and symmetry. 

Libra subjects are affectionate by nature. Their intimates of the opposite sex would often mistake their affection as love. They do not marry the first person they fall in love with. 

The Libra subjects shine as good lawyers, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs and technicians. 


Shine as lawyers, artists and musicians
They do well in life during the middle age.  They get few children and the latter often become a source of anxiety to them. 

Lack of will power, extravagant lifestyle, and the passion for pleasures are the weak points in their character. If they succeed in developing their will power, they would certainly achieve great heights in life. 


Respect all religions
Libra subjects are not religious bigots.  Therefore, they can appreciate the morals and tenets taught in any religion.

Libra people are prone to diseases of the bowels, the spine, and the lumber region.
An ideal partner from among Libra, Gemini or Aquarius people.

Libra subjects are advised to marry a person born in the same Solar month or in the Gemini or the Aquarius Solar month.

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