Judging character by the Sun Sign – Scorpio

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               Natal Solar month and Sun Sign –Part 8               


  • Sexy and biased towards physical love
  • Endowed with a keen intellect and drive
  • Unforgiving and vindictive

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and it is ruled by Mars.

The Sun moves in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio from about November 17 to December 16 and those born during this period are  also influenced by the characteristics of the Scorpio sign, irrespective of their Lagna. 


Kind and affectionate to intimates 
Scorpio people are endowed with a dominant personality.  They are good friends and bad enemies.  While being kind and affectionate towards friends and those dear and near to them, they give no quarter for whom they dislike.  They are vindictive and would harbor a life-long grudge against who have done them wrong. They would take revenge by means of fair or foul.  “Beware of the Scorpio man whose enmity you may have uncured,” says a well-known Indian astrologer and numerologist. 


Deceptive exterior
Scorpio man’s exterior belies his real nature.  Therefore, you would not know the real feelings he harbors towards you.

Scorpio man is subtle in his ways.  He is endowed with a keen intellect and a great driving force. 


Successful as businessmen and writers
Scorpio men make successful businessmen.  They achieve success as great writers, due to their inherent literary skills and creative talents. 

Scorpio men are sexy and would marry after a series of love affairs.  They are great lovers who believe more in physical love than in spiritual love. 

Scorpio people shine in the fields of scientific research, architecture and corporate management. In journalism, they do well as critics of literary works.  


Prone to contagious diseases
They have to struggle for power and position during the first half of their life. They gain recognition and high office during the latter part of their life. Scorpio people are prone to contagious diseases. The parts of the anatomy that would get affected by the diseases they are prone to are bladder and generative organs. 


Choice of an ideal partner 
Scorpio people are advised to marry persons of the same sign or those of Cancer and Pisces. 

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