Judging character by the position, length and shape of fingers

Human Hand – Trailblazer of Human Civilization

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Last week we discussed the significations of each finger based on their length and position in relation to other fingers.
Today, we propose to discuss the significations of each finger based on its shape.
Two distinct features have to be taken into account in the study of the shape of fingers. They are: 
(1) The shape of the Tip of the first or the nailed phalanx,
(2) Presence or absence of knots at the joints of phalanges.It is the forepart rather than the hind part that gives a distinct shape to a finger. Now let us examine the significations of each finger in relation to its shape.
First finger
Pointed: The subject is
intuitive and idealistic in his religious beliefs.
Conical: Has a sharp
perception and
great love for reading.
Square: A lover of truth.
Spatulate: Overenthusiastic
about going into action.
Second finger
Pointed: Suffers from a morbid fear of the supernatural.
Conical: Rational in religious beliefs.
Square: Sagacious.
Spatulate: Very active.
Third finger
Pointed: Idealistic about arts
and poetry
Conical: Artistic bent in thinking.
Square: Keen on revealing
reality through arts.
Spatulate: Loves performing
arts (Dancing, acting etc.)
Fourth finger
Pointed: A pronounced bent
for acquiring scientific knowledge.
Conical: Tactful.  
Spatulate: Desire to be active
in business
(Hawking goods, visiting factories
etc. Not a sedentary

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