Judging character from the shape of the hand

Human hand – trailblazer of human civilization – Part 3



By A.S. Fernando
In the previous article under the above topic we referred to seven types of the hand each with a specific shape and also discussed the first three types of hand, namely the Elementary or the lowest type of hand, the Square or the Useful hand and the Spatulate or the nervous active hand. We propose to discuss in this article the remaining four types of hand namely:


  •  The Philosophical or the Jointed hand
  •  The Conic or the Artistic hand
  •  Psychic or the idealistic hand and the
  •  Mixed hand

The Philosophical or Jointed hand is long, bony, and angular with knotty joints and is fairly thin. People with this kind of hand are great readers with literary talents.  They prefer a sedentary work and a solitary and austere life. As a rule, the Head Line of such hands is rather sloping. People with this type of hand rarely earn as much wealth as those with the Square Hand.

The Philosophical Hand represents a very high mental plane of the human family.

The Conic or Artist’s Hand:  This type of hand is soft, supple and tender and graceful in appearance.  The fingers are thin, long, artistic and are well formed. 

The owner of this type of hand may not always be a painter or any other artiste. But he would have an emotional and artistic temperament and the love for the beautiful and awe-inspiring creations of Mother Nature. 

 He is very sensitive to colour, music, and all fine arts. 

The Head Line and the will power denoted by it would determine whether the subject is capable of developing his inborn artistic talents to their full capacity.  

They are great connoisseurs of art and for some reason they fail to become practicing artistes, they would spend a greater portion of their wealth on artistic pursuits. 

From a worldly point of view these subjects are failures in life as they live in a world of fantasy. However, if an artist’s hand is not so supple and little stiff, the subject would acquire wealth and fame by means of his artistic skills. 

The Psychic or Idealistic Hand: This type of hand represents the highest developed mental stage of man. But from a worldly standpoint this type does not represent success.

This type of hand is generally well formed and supple. with a single glance one can say that this type of graceful hand is not meant for hard manual work. These subjects develop psychic powers. They are mostly idealists and dreamers who are not adequately equipped   mentally and physically to deal with problems in life in practical terms. 

Mixed Hand:  This type of hand as the term suggests represents a mix of characteristics of other types, but it cannot be treated as belonging to any of the types we have so far discussed.

Often palmists have found some hands of this type with fingers shaped differently from one another.  For example, one finger may be pointed or conical or square or spatulate and so on. 

The owners of this type of hand are versatile, but they do not master any of the trades are good at. 
It is only when Head Line is found clear and straight, there is the likelihood of a person with a mixed hand making a success of his life from a worldly point of view. 

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