Natal Solar Month and the Sun Sign Judging character by the Sun Sign – Aries natives     Follow


People born during the period from April 14 to May 15 in our country have the Sun placed in the Aries sign in the Natal Chart and they are considered Aries natives.

Dynamic and energetic.
Aries people are dynamic and energetic. They love sports and turn out to be outstanding sportsmen and women. They love the outdoor life so much they would shun a desk-bound or a sedentary lifestyle.


Will power and ability to take independent decisions 
Aries people are endowed with much will power and can take independent decisions.  They would normally start something with great enthusiasm but their enthusiasm would wane with the passage of time and would often abandon their work half done. 

They are self-opinionated and would tolerate   no dissent or opposition. They make a lot of enemies because of their aggressive nature.  They would even resort to physical violence to subdue their rivals and opponents.


Spendthrifts with a weakness for grandiose plans 
Aries people are not frugal-minded.  They are spendthrifts.  They would spend liberally on grandiose plans. 

They are affectionate by nature. They easily fall in love with the opposite sex but would not be steadfast in love. 

These people are endowed with the capacity to rise to high positions.


Promising high rankers in Police and armed forces
They would acquit themselves well as high ranking officers in Police and armed forces.

Aries people can make a career success if employed in metal and electronic industries.  They would shine well as chemists and surgeons as well. They would stand out in positions connected with foreigners and foreign trade.

They are very religious and charitable. Natives or their families would face great difficulties at the age of 7, 19, 30 and 44. The rise of the career of an Aries person would begin at the age of 22.  They are usually helped by those holding high offices in the state sector or the private sector.


A friend will turn a Judas
Aries people would have many friends. But one of them would turn out be a Judas.

Aries people are prone to injuries and diseases affecting the stomach and kidneys.  They also may fall victim to high fever.  But they are quick to recover.


A guide to choose marriage partner
An Aries person can make a success of his/her marriage if he/she marries an Aries, Leo, or a Sagittarius person.        

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