Prognosticating disease Planetary combines indicating diseases     Follow

In our previous article on the above subject we familiarized our readers with some specific planetary combinations that are likely to cause specific ailments or disabilities. Several more planetary combinations signifying a variety of ailments are 
given below.

  • If the Sun and the Moon mutually exchange Houses either in the Rasi Chakra or in the Navamsa Chakra, the native would suffer from consumption.
  • The malefic planets in the 3rd, 5th, 9th and the 11th Houses with no beneficial aspects could cause deafness by the humour indicated by the strongest of the planets placed in any of these signs.
  • Weak Moon in the 12th House with Saturn could cause insanity.
  • If Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius becomes the Lagna (Ascendant) under the powerful aspect of malefics, the native’s head would become bold.
  • If the Sun, Moon and Mars together occupy the 6th House, the native would suffer from stomach ailments. 
  • Jupiter occupying the 4th House conjunct with or aspected by the Sun or Mars could cause heart disease.
  • The lords of the 2nd and 3rd Houses conjunct with Rahu could cause throat troubles.
  • A malefic in the 3rd or Rahu in the 11th House aspected by other evil planets would cause ailments of the ear.
  • Venus – mars combination in the 8th House would cause diseases in the testicles.
  • Mars – Venus conjunction in the 2nd House could cause eye disease.
  • Jupiter conjunct with Rahu in the Ascendant could lead to tooth trouble
  • Saturn in the 7th House aspected by Rahu could urinary troubles.
  • When the Moon or the Sun occupies a watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) the native is likely to suffer from bronchitis.   
  • If mars occupy Cancer Ascendant and is aspected by Saturn as the lord of the 7th and 8th House, asthma or chronic bronchitis could result.
  • When mercury and Saturn are placed in the 8th House, the native may become impotent.
  • If the Sun is in a sign or a Navamsa of the Moon or the Moon is in a sign or a Navamsa of the Sun, the native would suffer from tuberculosis. 


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